Fueling Future Mobility – e-Fuels made in Germany
A more sustainable future and climate-neutral mobility - with the largest Power-to-Liquid plant in Frankfurt, we are working to achieve this major and so important goal!

With our pioneering plant in Frankfurt am Main, we are building the largest power-to-liquid plant to date for the production of synthetic, climate-friendly e-fuels. Updates every week here and on our social media channels.
We will share updates and stories about the project here as well as on our social media channels and provide various background information. Join us on our journey to a sustainably powered future!
Last but not least – the final containers of our e-Fuel pioneer plant are on their way!
January isn’t over yet, and at INERATEC, one milestone follows another: The last containers from our headquarters in Karlsruhe have now been transported to Frankfurt to complete the world’s largest plant for the production of sustainable e-Fuels. The final containers still need to be installed on-site and connected to the rest of the plant. Afterwards, the entire plant will undergo its final tests and inspections before being fully prepared for commissioning – then nothing will stand in the way of its launch!
Start into 2025 with another plant delivery!
The INERATEC team is making great progress in completing the e-Fuel pioneer plant. The penultimate container delivery has left Karlsruhe and is on its way to Frankfurt.
The next milestone: the final test phase. Once the plant is up and running, it will produce up to 2,500 tons of sustainable e-Fuels and recycle up to 8,000 tons of CO₂ annually.
One delivery closer to the commissioning of our pioneer plant!
The last delivery of containers has left our production hall in Karlsruhe and is making their way to the site of our e-Fuel pioneer plant in Frankfurt. We’re in a dynamic phase where the first modules are ready for commissioning, others are undergoing multiple tests, some are being delivered and installed, and the final containers are getting the finishing touches. The remaining ones will follow in early 2025 as we edge closer to the commissioning phase.
Fueling the Future: a journey that needs strong partnerships
INERATECs pioneer plant in Frankfurt, Germany is an important technological milestone for e-Fuel production and a prime example of strong partnerships driven by a joint goal.
On the move - pioneer plant in progress!
The next containers for the third and final module of our pioneer e-Fuel plant are on their way - from our production hall in Karlsruhe to their destination in the industrial park in Frankfurt Höchst!
This successive construction and installation is another huge advantage of our modular approach. While the first two modules have been installed at site and are currently being tested, the construction in Karlsruhe went on, delivering container after container: ready for installation.
When all three modules are installed, the plant will reach a total capacity of 7 MW, reaching the capacity of up to 2,500 tons of sustainable e-Fuels per year.
Second Module installed - Construction Update
The next milestone has been reached in our state-of-the-art project: The second module of our e-Fuel pioneer plant in Frankfurt Höchst is now complete and installed!
The first step of market introduction is complete!
The first unit of our pioneer plant in Frankfurt has successfully passed the CE certification. This confirms that we meet the important health, safety, and environmental protection requirements of European legislation. The focus was particularly on compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive. The CE certification thus confirms that our processes and products are safe. This marks the first important step in our market introduction! The next milestone has been reached in our state-of-the-art project: The second module of our e-Fuel pioneer plant in Frankfurt Höchst is now complete and installed!
Construction Update - Take 5
Supply secured – within the last weeks, the pipeline bridge connecting our e-Fuel plant to the industrial park has been successfully installed. It will supply our facility with hydrogen and CO2 once operation has started. The preparations are well underway and we’re one step closer to the commissioning.
The Final Steps Before Commissioning
With pride, we look at the latest accomplishments at our plant site in Frankfurt. To ensure safety and functionality, we are currently in the final preparation phase for commissioning, conducting extensive tests at our plant over the course of several weeks.
Pioneers on all levels
Our e-Fuel plant in Frankfurt is setting new global standards, not only in size and production capacity but also in pioneering the construction of the first e-Fuels storage facility right on site. Efficient tank storage is crucial for ensuring a smooth supply chain and continuous provision of drop-in sustainable fuels to maritime transport, aviation, and road transport.
(Sun)rise of a fossil-free era
In the light of the rising sun, INERATEC's e-Fuel plant in the industrial park Frankfurt Hoechst is taking shape. This striking image captures the first unit of the pioneer plant, which is currently undergoing functionality tests to get ready for operation in 2024.
With sustainable e-Fuel from biogenic CO2 and hydrogen, we will be Fueling Future Mobility in aviation, shipping and road transport - enabling the transition away from fossil fuels.
Join us as we turn this vision into the fuel that drives tomorrow's industry.
Completion of the first pioneer plant module!
The first module of our e-Fuel pioneer plant was picked up from the INERATEC headquarters in Karlsruhe after a successful FAT (Factory Acceptance Test). It was then transported to its destination in the Industrial Park Frankfurt Höchst, where it is now being installed and getting ready for operation.
Sustainable at Sea – e-Fuels in Shipping
Like almost every other sector, shipping faces a major challenge: the urgent need for more environmentally friendly solutions to reduce its CO2 emissions. This is where e-Fuels step in.
Construction Update - take four
Floor by floor, the building for our e-Fuel pioneer plant is being erected. This is just a glimpse of the progress at site: we are in an exciting phase, shortly before the delivery of the first Power-to-Liquid plant modules to their destination in Frankfurt. Follow us to not miss the next big step!
Construction update - take three
The construction work on our pioneer e-Fuel plant in Frankfurt Höchst is still in full swing. We are excited to witness the progress as we shape the future of sustainable mobility. To ensure that our future projects progress just as smoothly, we are looking for you to join us as dedicated support in our team!
Meet the plant manager!
As the installation of the first module at site is getting closer, we want to introduce you to @Michael Riedinger. He takes care of the plant itself, organizes our operations team and keeps the project internally connected with other departments. Discover his tasks are and find out what makes the project so special for him personally.
Load flexibility - the problem of a fluctuating energy supply
Our e-Fuel pioneer plant in Frankfurt is rapidly taking shape! In just a month, we'll be installing the first synthesis unit to address the challenge of efficiently utilizing renewable energies like wind and solar. This research module in the project “RePoSe” is a crucial part of our e-Fuel pioneer plant. It ensures efficient operation from 2024 onwards by testing volatility.
Construction update – second take
The site for our eFuel pioneer plant is taking shape! Every day we’re getting closer to the installation of the plant modules and by now it’s becoming more and more visible that we’re building something BIG here. Only a month from now, the first synthesis unit will be installed on site in Frankfurt. Take a look at the progress we made, the current status of the construction site and how our e-Fuel pioneer plant will look like after completion.
IMPOWER2X - the pathfinder for our pioneer plant
Two years ago, INERATEC received a funding of 2.5 million Euro from the EU. This was to support the scaling, replication and implementation of industrial scale pilot plants for the production of e-Fuels. Find out what has happened in the last two years within the framework of IMPOWER2X, which goals had to be achieved and what fundamental meaning they have for our pioneering project in Frankfurt.
Permission granted: building and operating our pioneer plant
INERATEC receives the "BImSchG" approval for the pioneer project in Frankfurt. This is the first approval of this kind for an e-Fuel plant in Germany.
Meet the manager of our pioneer project!
"Seeing how our plant takes shape gives a clear understanding of the pioneering work we are doing to make sustainable eFuels accessible." Christina Kuhnle, manager of our project in Frankfurt tells you what makes this plant so special - both professionally and for her personally.
Pioneer work in progress!
We are in the final stages of module production of our pioneer plant and are ready for the next big step - delivery to Frankfurt. Get a glimpse behind the doors of our production halls and see what motivates our team every day.
Construction start in Frankfurt - we get the ball rolling!
Another milestone on the way to becoming the world's largest PtX plant - construction work has begun on the installation at the site in Industriepark Höchst. This brings us a big step closer to our goal of pioneering the production of e-fuels.
Breaking the ground: The start of our pioneer project in Frankfurt, Germany.
With our pioneering plant, we will power the mobility of the future: From 2024, we will convert up to 8,000 metric tons of CO2 per year into climate-friendly e-fuels as part of this project. In spring, we celebrated the groundbreaking of this important project.